Allah itu "samseng"
aku ingatkan cerita ni dah settle. bila cerita ni keluar beberapa minggu lepas aku ingat ia cuma gimik UMNO dan anjing-anjing medianya. tapi nampaknya ada plak siaran ulangan. ;) dan siaran ni berulang-ulang plak!!!
aku percaya jika ayat ini keluar dari mulut ulama UMNO, maka besar kemungkinan dia seperti menadah muka untuk diludah, disepak, ditumbuk dan digelar dengan berbagai nama. tapi ayat ini keluar dari mulut dari mulut Tok Guru sendiri. apakah pemimpin yang
sudah melepasi waktu asar itu sudah nyanyuk?
aku rasa jika Tok Guru itu bukan ahli politik sudah lama dia "dikeluarkan padang" seperti nasib yang menimpa Abuya dan beberapa pemimpin al-Arqam yang lain.
tapi bukan itu yang aku mahu persoalkan di sini. atas pentas politik, tiada mata yang terbuka untuk menerima apa yang pihak yang sebelah lagi buat. tangan menadah tapi mulut terus meludah. anehnya dunia politik. dunia yang penuh dengan hipokrisi. pertentangan ini akan berlaku terus-terusan atas nama ketidaksamaan politik bukan atas kebenaran. dalam politik yang kita mesti ingat
kita di pihak yang benar, pihak yang bukan sekutu kita salah. tiada yang salah melainkan salah belaka.
ooppps.. aku melalut lagi. persoalannya benarkah Allah itu "samseng"? dalam komen-komen yang menolak pendapat ini tidak banyak pun yang menghurai nama Allah yang terlibat itu. bagusnya bila timbul persoalan sebegini, jangan dengar cakap orang lain (terutamanya cakap orang politik) tapi terus rujuk al-Qur'an dan Hadith dan huraian ahli agama yang berwibawa.
� al-Jabbar
1- He who has the ability, with force, to make people do whatever He wants.
2- He who repairs all broken things, who completes that which is incomplete.
Related Verse From The Koran:
He is Allah, than whom there is no other God, the Sovereign Lord, The Holy One, Peace, the Keeper of Faith, the Guardian, the Majestic,
THE COMPELLER, the Superb. Glorified be Allah from all that they ascribe as partner (unto Him).
Al-Ghazali says that among men the quality of the Compeller is seen in the holy Prophet Muhammed in as much as he said 'Were Moses the son of Imran alive he could not but follow me, for I am the Master of Adams offspring - and that is no boast'.
� al-Aziz
He who prevails, and can never be conquered. Exalted in power, rank, dignity; incomparable; full of mighty and majesty; able to enforce His will.
Related Verse From The Koran:
Blessed is He in Whose hand is the kingdom, and He has power over all things, Who created death and life that He may try you which of you is best in deeds; and He is
THE MIGHTY, the Forgiving, Who created the seven heavens one above another; you see no incongruity in the creation of the Beneficent Allah; then look again, can you see any disorder?
According to Al-Ghazali this name requires the quality of :
1. being rare,
2. being intensely needed,
3. being difficult to access.
God is the perfection of those three because (1) His rareness is such that He is One, Singular, and nothing is more rare, (2) everything is in need of Him - depending on Him for existence. (3) He is impossible to reach as only God knows God.
As regards the quality in humans this name refers to the eminence of the Prophets and the caliphs and their heirs. Al Al-Ghazali says, "The eminence of each one of them is in proportion to their elevation in rank above easy access and participation and is measured by their concern for guiding creatures".
� al-Mutakabbir
He who is above all, supreme in greatness. He who shows His greatness in all things and in all ways.
Related Verse From The Koran:
He is Allah, than whom there is no other God, the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One, Peace, The Keeper Of Faith, the Guardian, the Majestic, the Compeller,
THE SUPERB. Glorified be Allah from all that they ascribe as partner (unto Him).
Al-Ghazali says that the only true pride is God's Pride because it is justified pride since all is beneath only Him.
He counsels that the proud amongst men is the 'knower' who is skilled is renunciation of both the worlds. Removing himself from everything or anything that could distract from the truth. The one who is not a true knower however is merely involved in a transaction - renouncing the things of this world for the things of the next world. The proud one despises every passion and gain that the beasts might conceivably share in.
sebenarnya agak mustahil untuk menterjemahkan nama dan sifat Allah dari bahasa Arab ke apa-apa bahasa pun. Istilah "samseng" yang digunakan tu walaupun agak kasar tapi sebenarnya tidaklah seteruk mana. cuma bila terjemahan itu tidak berapa tepat maka ia telah mengelirukan ramai orang. dan untuk faham apa yang Tok Guru cakap, kita kena merujuk sifat "samseng" itu. bila ko samseng, ko boleh buat apa saja. buat la apa yang ko suka, takde orang berani tegur. nak kena hempuk?!!! tapi kalaulah Allah itu "samseng" ia bukanlah "samseng" yang zalim kerana Allah ada sifat yang lain iaitu pemurah, pengasih dan pemaaf. ketiga-tiga sifat itu mengimbangi sifat "samseng" Allah.
aku rasa niat Tok Guru bukanlah nak menjadikan ahli PAS samseng-samseng sebab Allah tu pun "samseng". niatnya aku rasa nak membuang sifat sombong "samseng" ahli PAS bukan sebaliknya. dia mungkin cuma nak menekan ada yang lebih berkuasa atas kita. tak kira sama ada kita Sultan, PM (bukan P***M**), samseng, taiko, otai, gedebe mahupun mahafiraun jangan sesekali lupa ada yang lagi power dari kita!!!!
maha suci Allah.