Confession of a dangerous mind
Rogol bukan jenayah seks semata-mata. Ia sebenarnya lebih merupakan jenayah (penyalahgunaan) kuasa. Sebenarnya bukan semua mangsa rogol berpakaian seksi atau cantik. Mereka menjadi mangsa kerana mereka tidak berupaya untuk melawan atau berada di tempat yang salah pada masa yang salah.
Jadi tidak hairanlah jika budak pompuan yang berusia 5 tahun boleh menjadi mangsa. Juga tidak hairanlah terdapat wanita yang bertudung labuh atau nenek tua yang diperkosa. Malah
dig cakap, jika terdesak kambing pun boleh dirogol.
Jika wanita yang cantik atau berpakaian seksi dirogol, hampir pasti yang merogolnya adalah orang yang rapat dengannya ataupun orang yang mangsa kenal atau percayai. Ataupun mungkin mangsa telah dirogol secara beramai-ramai. Atau mungkin dia telah dicandukan dahulu ataupun dipukul separuh mati. The weaker you are, the easier you'll become a target.
Kalau nak lihat mangsa rogol yang cantik korang boleh tengok TV atau wayang. Apa moral yang cuba mereka sampaikan? Who the hell cares about all the consequences which might occur after watching this sick act of glorifying rape? Producers? Directors? We live in a sick society which wants to breed monsters among us. Movies as a reflection of our society? Damn the movies!!! By watching
Superman some kids believe they can fly. Now tell me honestly, what lessons do our kids learned by watching a 'sensualized' rape scene?
Go to your nearest bookstalls. What magazine do you find most? Cheap but corrupted sex education.
Siri pengakuan?
Kisah benar? Majalah yang menepati judulnya menjual "mangga" muda? Laris macam goreng pisang panas. Is it a right time to argue who should responsible for this filth? Who should clean up this mess?
Our kids are raised in time where they can learn a lot of things without even leaving their rooms. Have you checked what websites they've been browsing lately?
Now, I may have made you feel a bit uncomfortable but shall we get back to my main topic? If you're a rapist and got caught, can you get away from the charge? Hell yeah, you can. There're some brilliant ways to escape from justice and the cheapest way to buy your freedom is to blame your rape victim as a whore. Character assassination. Discredit all her statements. You wouldn't believe liars would tell truth, would you? And most certainly it would be hard for you to accept the fact that the whore was raped? Right?!
I believe you're not a whore but could you convince people you aren't?
Kadangkala, pelaku jenayah ini percaya mangsa mereka lebih rela menderita dalam diam. Kalau mereka terfikir mangsa mereka akan melaporkan pada pihak berkuasa, mereka tidak teragak-agak untuk membunuh. Jadi tidak hairanlah, kerap sangat berlaku kes rogol dan bunuh. Pakai dan buang. F*ck and dump.
Perogol sebenarnya bukan orang yang kuat. Mereka adalah pengecut dan kurang kenyakinan diri. Mereka hanya pembuli yang terunggul. Seorang perogol jika dia merogol seorang diri akan memilih mangsanya berhati-hati. Dia tidak merogol wanita yang cantik atau seksi semata-mata tapi kerana keadaan sekeliling yang membenarkan jenayah itu berlaku. Tempat sunyi dan gelap. Mangsa yang lemah. Terasing dari kelompok manusia lain.
Disebabkan sifat bacul di dalam diri seorang perogol, kebanyakannya mereka lebih senang untuk 'bekerja' secara berkumpulan. Seperti hyena atau dingo mereka mengejar mangsanya beramai-ramai. Mereka tidak perlu berusaha keras untuk membuat mangsanya lemah dan tidak berdaya sebelum merogol. Work smart. Work in team.
Why do you think rapists would continue raping even after their victim is bleeding? Almost certain, blood gushing from your mouth is not a pleasant sight. Do you think they care about that? They don't. They just wanna 'use' you. How, what or which are not their main concern.
Sometimes they hit you because they wanna hear you scream. Your scream could arouse them more. The louder you scream, the happier they are. It gives them pleasure. It gives them power.
Have I frightened you yet?
Have anybody told you, "it takes a thief to catch a thief?" Mungkin kau pernah dengar, "hanya jauhari saja yang mengenal manikam".
Stay away. Don't come any closer. You don't know me that well, do you? You don't have to believe me or your fianc� or your boyfriends completely. Don't even trust your brothers and your father too. Take a good care of yourselves, girls. Don't forget to lock your doors when you go to sleep tonight. If necessary, take a knife and keep in under your pillow. Be well prepared.